Huele recién temazcalada.
Algo fresco. Algo puro.
She smells recently temazcaled.
Something fresh. Something pure.
Su alma está pegada
con la tierra. Conectada es.
Her soul is pegged
with the Earth. She's connected.
Su cabello es un jardín de orquídeas
Una abundáncia de belleza y flow.
Her hair is a garden of orchids
An abundance of beauty and flow.
Su piel es de cacao.
Pintada del sol.
Her skin is of cacao.
Painted by the Sun
Sus ancestros caminaban
tocando arboles.
Sintiendo la selva.
Escuchando sus ritmos.
Leyendo Diós.
Her ancestors walked
touching trees.
Feeling the forest
Listening to its rhythms.
Reading God.
Hace pausa en la naturaleza.
Agradece el balance de la creación.
She makes pause in nature.
She thanks the balance of creation.
Y todo que crece.
Y todo que mueve.
Y todo que muere.
And everything that grows.
And everything that moves.
And everything that dies.
Su numero favorito
es once, once.
Le gusta su simetría.
Her favorite number
is 11 11.
She likes its symmetry.
Ayer vió once monos
en once ramas.
Yesterday she saw 11 monkeys
in 11 branches.
¡Un señal!
A sign!
Todo es perfecto.
Confia en el diseño.
Everything is perfect.
She trusts in the design.
El viento la lleva.
The wind carries her.
¿A donde me traes?
No importa el destino.
Where are you bringing me?
The destination doesn't matter
Lo que sea.
Acepto la aventura.
Whatever it might be.
I accept the adventure.
Su cara brilla. Tiene luz.
Puedes ver su sonrisa
en la oscuridad.
Her face shines. It has light.
You can see her smile
in the darkness.
Despertó en la madrugada
meditando en el bienestar
de su tribu.
She woke up in the early morning
meditating on the well-being
of her tribe.
Sale desnuda.
En sus manos hay naranjas.
Pasó la mañana elegiendo
la fruta mas lista.
She leaves naked.
In her hands there are oranges.
She spent the morning picking
the ripest fruit.
Va a hacer un jugo
para sus bebes.
She's going to make a juice
for her babies.
Cruza el rio
con pasos lentos.
Las piedras le acomodan.
Estan feliz que
las toca.
She crosses the river
with slow steps.
The rocks accomodate her.
They are happy
she is touching them.
Bienvenida amiga, pasale.
No hay peligro aquí.
Te cuidamos.
Welcome friend, after you.
There is no danger here.
We will care for you.
Un pez del color arcoiris llega
y besa el aqua
debajo de sus pies.
Toda la flora y toda la fauna
la celebra. Es una mujer
de paz, tranquilidad.
A fish, of rainbow color, arrives
and kisses the water
beneath her feet.
All of the flora and all of the fauna celebrate her. She is a woman
of peace, tranquility.