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Es amiga de la pantera.

La busca sin miedo.

She is friends with the panther

She looks for her without fear.


La saluda. La toca.

La pantera se ronronea.

She greets her. She touches her.

The panther purrs.

También le encanta estar

en la presencia de su hermana

de dos piernas.


She also likes to be in the presence of her two legged sister.

También la busca.

La reunión con la mujer

es su rutina favorita.

She also looks for her.

The meeting with the woman

is her favorite routine.

La mujer ha dado

nombres a los panteritos.

Luz. Zulema. Rico y Saltador.

The woman has given

names to the little panthers.

Luz. Zulema. Rico and Jumper.

Su comadre es.

She's their Godmother.

Está invertida en su alimentación.

Su seguridad.


She's invested in their nourishment.

Their security.

¡Que juegen! ¡Que vivan!

May they play! May they live!

Es la princesa del salvaje

y la fortaleza de su gente.

She is the princess of the wild

and the strength of her people.

Valiente es. Una poeta.

De su boca sale la verdad.

She is bold. A poet.

From her mouth comes the truth.

Todo que dice nació en las estrellas.

Cada palabra construye.

Everything she says

was born in the stars.

Every word constructs.

Lidera es. La respetas.

Su nombre es fuerte. Te pega.

Noemi. Xochitl. Reina.

She is a leader. You respect her.

Her name is strong. It hits you.

Noemi. Xochitl. Reina.

Cuida su califato.

La gente de su taifa anda contenta.

She cares for her caliphate.

The people in her queendom

stay content.

Las leyes de la mujer son empaticas.

Sus decisiones son fuertes.

Tienen una raíz de sabiduria.

Nadie la duda.

The laws of the woman

are empathetic.

Her decisions are strong.

They have a root of wisdom.

Nobody doubts her.

No hace nada malicioso.

No olvida la buena

y perdona la mala.

She doesn't do anything malicious.

She doesn't forget the good

and forgives the bad.

Esucha bien.

Simpatica es.

Sabia es.

She listens well.

She is sympathetic.

She is wise.

Los ancianos la escuchan.

En su preséncia aprenden.

The ancient ones listen to her.

They learn in her presence.

Se sientan en un circulo

con rodillas dobladas.

Absorbandola. Admirandola.

They sit in a circle

with folded knees.

Absorbing her. Admiring her.

Aplican sus valores.

En sus vidas los replican.

They apply her values.

They replicate them in their lives.

Los escriben en tablas

y las pasan a sus hijos,

nietos, bisnietos, tataranietos.

They write them on tablets

and they pass them to their children,

grandchildren, great grandchildren

and great great grandchildren.

Cuentan historias de la mujer

sobre su ultima fogata.

They tell stories about the woman

around their last fire.


Su jardín es lleno y frondoso.

Todos corren a su mesa.

Her garden is full and flourishing.

Everyone runs to her table.

Sus chilaquiles pican.

Su mole es dulce.

Her chilaquiles are spicy.

Her mole is sweet.

Hay un nieve de harina

en sus manos.

There is a snow of flour

in her hands.

Toca las narizes de sus hijos.

Se reían.


She touches the noses of her kids.

They laugh.

Ella les enseña hacer tortillas.

Les encanta jugar con su mama

en la cocina.

She is teaching them

to make tortillas.

They love to play

with their mother in the kitchen

Su paz inspira.

Su alegría transmuta.


Está contenta con su vida.

Con su forma de ser.

Segura con ella misma.

Her peace inspires.

Her joy transmutes.


She is content with her life.

With her way of being.

Self assured.

Auto-estima. Amor propio.

Self esteem. Self love.

No depende en nadie,

pero incluye a todos.

She does not depend on anyone

but she includes everyone.

La mujer baila en las tormentas.

The woman dances in storms.

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